Rename the existing sheets Summary, Checking Account, and Savings Account, as described in “Renaming sheets” below.
To insert sheets and name them at the same time:
For the next steps, go to “Renaming sheets” below. (Three sheets are already provided by default.) Because you are inserting more than one sheet, the Name box is not available.
In the Insert Sheet dialog, choose the position for the new sheets (in this example, we use After current sheet). We have two choices: insert 3 new sheets and rename all 6 sheets afterwards or rename the existing sheets, then insert the three new sheets 1 at a time, renaming each new sheet during the insert step.
We also want to name each of these sheets for the account they represent: Summary, Checking Account, Savings Account, Credit Card 1, Credit Card 2, and Car Loan. We need 6 sheets, one for each of the 5 accounts and one as a summary sheet so we will add 3 more.