
Can openoffice open excel
Can openoffice open excel

  • Rename the existing sheets Summary, Checking Account, and Savings Account, as described in “Renaming sheets” below.
  • can openoffice open excel

    To insert sheets and name them at the same time:

  • For the next steps, go to “Renaming sheets” below.
  • (Three sheets are already provided by default.) Because you are inserting more than one sheet, the Name box is not available.

    can openoffice open excel

  • In the Insert Sheet dialog, choose the position for the new sheets (in this example, we use After current sheet).
  • We have two choices: insert 3 new sheets and rename all 6 sheets afterwards or rename the existing sheets, then insert the three new sheets 1 at a time, renaming each new sheet during the insert step.

    can openoffice open excel

    We also want to name each of these sheets for the account they represent: Summary, Checking Account, Savings Account, Credit Card 1, Credit Card 2, and Car Loan. We need 6 sheets, one for each of the 5 accounts and one as a summary sheet so we will add 3 more.

    Can openoffice open excel